Different people have different approaches to stress, and in fact, even individuals can have very different responses to stress dependent on the specific day and situation.
This blog post is designed to help you identify how you deal with stress and the personal "watch outs" associated with this. Take a look at the following 3 profile types, and review whether any them apply to you.
Note: You may find that all are relevant at different times, but most people have a dominant type.
1. The constant worrier.
These people tend to worry all the time and may in fact almost take comfort in it. Some feel that this state is part of who they are, for instance “I am a worrier – it shows I care” or “I am a careful person who takes things seriously, and worrying is part of that”. However, this constant negative stress puts long-term hormonal stress on the body, which is damaging to their health over time. It also stops them from enjoying life, makes them think less positively about themselves and the world, and less able live a ‘younger’ life.
Action: If you suffer from this type of stress, it’s important to choose techniques that can help you limit the time you spend worrying and give your body a break from those stress hormones
2. The catastrophiser.
These people may not worry all the time, but when they do, they really go for it! They can let their worries really take hold, allowing themselves to obsessively ruminate and build problems into huge disaster scenarios. In extreme cases, they can start to feel hopeless, that everything their life is a disaster, that they (wrongly) are a failure and nothing they do will make a difference. This type of worrying is extremely damaging because it can lead to negative beliefs and self perception, and can limits life’s opportunities by creating self fulfilling prophecies of underachievement and disappointment.
Action: If you recognised this type of worrying in yourself, it is important to use a combination of techniques to help keep things in perspective and stop negative thoughts building into problems that you feel are insurmountable.
3. The suppressed avoider.
These people try to deal with stress by ignoring it, rather than taking proactive steps to deal with it and the underlying issues causing it. Sometimes this strategy can work as things naturally move on and problems don’t materialise. However, this is not always the case, and some problems, if left un-tackled, can turn into larger issues that are harder to deal with in the long term.This avoidance approach can result in a person living in denial of how they are feeling and rarely facing up to problems, and so limiting their ability to reach their full potential.
Action: If you recognise this type of stress in yourself, it is important to start recognising there are many situations that can be improved by taking a proactive approach.
Recommended reading (other stress blog posts):
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